Raz B
Real Name: De' Mario Monte Thornton Original home town: Cleveland, Ohio Birthdate: June 13, 1985 Astrological Sign: Gemini Siblings: Ricky, and Storm Why he got his nickname: "I got my nickname because of my raspy voice." Fashion sense/style: "Sandals, shorts--that whole summertime vibe." Fun in his free time: "I like to eat, play basketball and wrestle." If I were an animal: "I'd be a cheetah--cheetahs are fast!"
food: Jambalaya and all fast foods
subject: "Science-- I like to mess with stuff"
tv show: The Martin Laawrence Show
movie: Cruel Intentions
book: Island of the Dolphins
Some question/answers i complied about Raz B and girls! Newest entries are at the top.
What he likes in a girl: "For her to be my friend, no so much my girlfriend; understanding, smart and someone with goals."
What do you like about girls' hair?
I like a little press style. I like a little curly look. I like braids, cornrows. Everybody got a little Alicia Keys vibe going on. I like that, thats hot. I like short hair like Halle Berry.
What do you think about girls' clothing?
I like hip hugger jeans and tight shirts with slits at the tops. I like jackets that go to the floor with skirts. Thats hot!
What type of personality do you look for in a potential girlfriend or just as a close friend?
Somebody that's real with me at all times. As far as a girlfriend, I would like somebody who understands, smart, playful, like me for me and that's cool with my boys. Don't try to be so much my girl, but just try to be my friend.
How can you tell if a girl is for real, or just wants to be with you because you're in the hottest R&B group to date?
That's a difficult one to answer, and if you talk to a lot of guys in the business, they would say they don't know about this either. I just think the truth will eventually come out in the watch. You get the right vibe after seeing someone for a while.